Tuesday, July 6, 2010


When Charles F. Bolden, Jr. was asked by President Obama if [he] wanted to lead, and forward the great accomplishments of NASA, Mr. Bolden must have thought Obama said Nasser (the second president of Egypt), when accepting the assignment. After all, how else can one explain Charles Bolden’s description of his current, “Foremost” mission, as helping Muslims, “… feel good about their historic contribution to science…” [sic]. Mr. Bolden could not possibly think he had a case to make for the exceptional strides made by Muslims on behalf of air travel?!? As a matter of fact, everyone knows that Muslims are awful pilots; they cannot seem to keep their aircraft from crashing into things. And, the alleged deftness with which they steer flying carpets – well, that is just a myth!

Again, it seems that President Obama has placed another co-ideologue, and sycophant, in a prominent government position. The United State's space program is now precipitously dangling over the valley of oblivion. With only two more shuttle flights approved by President Obama, future travel to the International Space Station (ISS), will require American astronauts to thumb a ride on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, at a cost of $50,000,000.00 per passenger. Since when, should America rely on a foreign country to travel into, and explore, space? Additionally, NASA Chief Administrator Bolden has cancelled plans to return to the moon, and eliminated the Constellation program, which included the production of new rockets and spaceships. This should help grow jobs in America! So, what is left of our space program, and a prominent element of America’s "Exceptionalism?" Promoting Muslim self-esteem, of course!

Does this new direction, by NASA, offend the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution? Is NASA, thus, our government, promoting a specific religion? Well, if the U.S. government promoted policies to make Christians feel good about themselves, [that] issue would certainly be vociferously posed by the progressive Democratic Party. I doubt we will hear from them in this present case.

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