The Jewel of Medina, a historical novel on Islam by author Sherry Jones, is based on the seventh-century marriage of the Prophet Muhammad to A’lisha, [his] nine year-old child bride. Originally scheduled to be released last August by The Random House Publishing Group, who advanced Ms. Jones $100,000.00 for publishing rights, suddenly excused themselves from the project. The reason for the hasty retreat by the publisher was explained by Random House deputy publisher, Thomas Perry, in a statement which read, “…the publication of this book might be offensive to some in the Muslim community, and could incite acts of violence by a small, radical segment.”
The controversy began when Mr. Perry stuck his toe in Muslim waters for a temperature reading. By seeking the sage advice of Islam scholars in the American academe, he was advised by a non-Muslim American academic, Ms. Denise Spellberg, that the manuscript was tantamount to, “soft-core pornography.” Call me naïve, but I presumed Muhammad was seeing intellectual stimulus from the nine year-old! Ms. Spellberg also informed Mr. Perry that she had taken the liberty of contacting a Muslim lecturer and asked him to warn Muslims, throughout the world, of the pending publication. Holy Fatwa!!!
The Random house Publishing Group, feeling no obligation to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, chose “The Elite Publisher’s Doctrine of Fear and Intimidation,” i.e., his big brother is bigger than my big brother.”
Can you imagine Random House backing away from a novel about the Apostle Paul? Wait! You do not have to imagine it. Author, Sherry Jones, informed the press yesterday, that an editor at Random House told her, “If she had written a book offending Christians, there would not be a problem.”
Apparently, Thomas Perry is unaware that our God is bigger than their [Random House's] big brother.