Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"The Harper Contemporary Lexicon of Progressive delusive Words," defines ”Religious” as: religious, ri•lij’us, a. [L. religiosus.] A psychic state and practice of faith and devotion, as with those who mystically practice the religion of Evolution or Darwinism; a feeling of reverence possessed by those for a Supreme Being, e.g., Jedi warriors’ worship of the “Force.” – n. A religieux or religieuse.

Christians should not portray themselves, or other followers of Jesus Christ, as prescribed by the sole inspired written Word of God [The Holy Bible], exclusively as “Religious.” There are far too many categories of “religious” practice, some of which include, Superstition, Metaphysics, Cosmology, Mysticism, Esotericism and, the all-inclusive Hollywoodism.

When someone describes himself, or others, as “religious,” you should be very confused!

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