When I first heard the news that U.S. District Judge, Barbara Crabb, had ruled, THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, I actually felt more amusement than anger. Don’t get me wrong; this is serious stuff. It’s just that the insincere and fatuous premise applied by Judge Crabb, and those of her ilk, in reaching such conclusions, has become tedious.
The “religion clauses” in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution consist of the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. Together, they state that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” These clauses clearly set government boundaries, precluding the establishment of a national religion (the preference of one over another) and, the subjugation of individual religious thought and expression. Prayer is not establishing a religion; [it] is merely the free exercise thereof. No reasonable person can come to any other conclusion. Those who do, must abandon intellectual honesty to forward their sinister objective of removing all religious thought and principles from the public square.
So that you are aware of the major players in the effort to eradicate religion in
I first must mention the Warren Court of the 1960’s. Chief Justice Earl Warren presided over the Supreme Court’s ruling to deny prayer in public schools. Justice Black wrote the decision in Engle v. Vitale, deeming prayer in the classroom to be unconstitutional. This decision in 1963 set the stage for an unprecedented attack on religion in the
The organization that brought the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER case to the U.S. District Court in
Another major antagonist of Christian expression is, ironically, the Reverend Barry W. Lynn.
Probably the best-known proponent of secular-progressive ideas is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). In reality, the ACLU was formed with the intention of destroying the American capitalistic society. It was founded in 1920 by a self-described socialist named Roger Baldwin, and his partner in crime, Crystal Eastman, a zealous feminist and great admirer of the Soviet revolution. Roger had spent time in
What is the best weapon to thwart these active, progressive groups? - A national day of prayer!